Anti-Money Laundering Program - Training Videos
The links below contain training videos explaining the need for an Anti-Money Laundering Program and how to complete the suggested documentation provided to you by NAMOC:
- General Explanation
- Getting Started
- MSB Registration
- Determining Sales Limits
- Completing the Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Program
- Completing the Independent Review
- Who Can Complete the Independent Review
- Owner/Manager Training
- Employee Training ($2,000 Limit)
- Employee Training ($1,000 Limit)
- Employee Training Log
Anti-Money Laundering Program - Documentation
Please see the links below for downloadable copies of our suggested Anti-Money Laundering Program for your store to adopt:
- AML Compliance Guide
- Employee Quick Training Handout - $2,000 limit
- Employee Quick Training Handout - $1,000 limit
- AML Compliance Program
- Independent Review
- AML Training Documentation Log
- Money Order Transaction Log
- SAMPLE AML Compliance Program - Use this as a guide to complete yours!
- SAMPLE Independent Review - Use this as a guide to complete yours!
- SAMPLE AML Training Documentation Log - Use this as a guide to complete yours!
If you have any further questions not covered in the training videos or sample documentation, contact our team at 844-507-1476.